SHB-The Life Cycle of a Major Achievement

One of the common problems that people have when they are first starting on the road to success is seeing how a major achievement will actually work. It is difficult to see more than the very beginning and the end result – the success. We are going to take an example here, and go through the entire life cycle of an achievement so that you can see how it is actually done and it should motivate you by making the end result much more realistic.

EXAMPLE: Increase annual income by $12,000

So, your goal is to increase your income by $12,000 a year. Let’s suppose that you give yourself three years to do it. So, here’s what the timeline might look like if you start from scratch.

January, Year 1: You spend the month researching ways that you can make money online. You check out each lead carefully until you find one that you have the time, money and skills for. By the end of the month you have chosen one – in this example case, you have chosen to start a niche review site online about the latest electronics and use Amazon’s affiliate program to make money.

March, Year 1: You have developed a website and added all kinds of Amazon products to it, and you have outsourced a couple of hundred reviews. Your traffic is starting to trickle in.

December, Year 1: You have spent the past few months creating backlinks and going after non-competitive keywords and have come up with a pretty steady stream of traffic. You are making around $1000 a year so far, which comes to about $85 a month.

May, Year 2: Your income is going up. All of the content you have ordered has started bringing in huge traffic for long-tail keywords. But your income has only increased to $150 a month. You aren’t sure why.

November, Year 2: After several weeks of research, you realize that your site’s buying links were difficult to find. You changed them and increased your conversion rate by 500%. You’re now making a little over $4000 a year.

December, Year 3: You have been continually adding content and getting backlinks to your site. Now, you have grown to be one of the most well-respected TV review sites on the web. You have been able to make almost $14,000 this year.

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