GTDB – Step #2 – Rework and Reorder What You’re Currently Doing

What is truly important?
✓ Moves your career forward
✓ Pushes you closer to your life goals
✓ Test your life goals – are these what you really want?

Set your Goals down right
✓ In writing
✓ Big goals defined by WHY statements
✓ Big goals broken down into sub-goals
✓ Sub-goals broken down into daily to do tasks

Keep filtering until you’re crystal clear
Write and rewrite your goals / sub-goals until you are SURE
✓ Allow yourself to get recharged by a sense of purpose
✓ Break down your daily to do tasks

Filter your daily To Do list Right
✓ Absolutely essential (important / can’t wait)
✓ Important (important / can wait)

Ministerial (not important / can’t wait)

✓ Optional (not important / can wait)

Setting up a Focused To Do List
✓ Absolutely Essential
✓ Delegate/outsource ministerial or use TIGHTLY budgeted time on these

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